The answer isn't all that much a mystery. I don't believe in social media beyond the tools that make it possible, namely anything that detracts from the people who make it work. And that means you.
As much as I appreciate the talent of social network architects, engineers, innovators, content creators, and investors, it's the participants who ultimately build them. Try to remember that before allowing any service to make you a slave to standards, scores, or whatnot, especially at the expense of your closest connections.
When you really stop long enough to think about it, we aren't given many holidays. We might see 100 of each, and even that is on the outside and against the odds. Make every one of them count, holding your family and friends a little tighter or longer this year. Those are outcomes you can count on.

T'was the night before Christmas
and all seemed a loss.
There are not presents to wrap,
just a big empty box.
Their mum had tried hard
to save a pound and sixpence.
But the landlord had told her,
"You must pay the rent."
And not with her children,
all snug in their best,
Christmas was ruined,
her heart heavy with dread.
But when the dawn broke,
she heard not a tear.
Her children were shouting,
"Come see what's down here!"
The big empty box,
was all festive and wrapped.
"Let's open it together,"
they smiled and clapped.
So they undid the bow,
and then opened the lid.
The box held no surprise,
yet her kids squealed like it did.
"I don't understand,"
she looked down, bewildered.
"There is nothing inside,
not a stitch, not a sliver."
But her children were smiling
with toothy grins.
"They're the best gifts we have:
faith, family, and love, from within."
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from my family to yours. May every moment of this season be filled with what's most important in your life. I'll have something up next week, but not on Monday. Good night and good luck.