Because communication tends to overlap psychology and sociology, and we know very little about those fields, most marketers know nothing at all. They base their understanding of the world on experiences that may or may not exist in any new situation or circumstance. However, the truth of communication suggests the opposite is true and these five posts share some insights that illustrate this fact.
Best Fresh Content In Review, Week of September 20
• 10 Simple Steps To Increase Your Digital Influence.
While I'm not big on worrying about digital influence, there is no denying that the right person can get a little lift from following the ten tactical points presented by Jeff Bullas. Hang out with people in your audience, develop a niche so people can identify with you, and invest in strategy that integrates all communication (and not just online communication) round out the first three. It makes sense because these tactics are just like real life. The more you treat online behavior as your offline behavior, the more likely you are to succeed (assuming you excel offline too).
• Social Media Experts, Marketers Quake at #NewTwitter.
In a post with a title that originally played on the word "egoists," Louis Gray writes up some of the hangups on the new Twitter. The harshest criticism he pulls from the stack reads succinctly enough: "And yet it's common behavior, @stop. Twitter embraced the @ symbol, hashtags, and RT from its users. Why do you suddenly know best." Sometimes this is the problem with social networks. Once they become popular, they forget that the public made them so. However, no matter how you feel about the changes, it also serves up a great reminder that tactics used today won't work tomorrow.
• Some Truths About Crowdsourcing.
Geoff Livingston presents four solid truths to crowdsourcing online: crowds have to care, they need structure, rules need to be understood, and managers need to invest a significant amount of time. You can read the explanations on his post, but I'd like to add an additional caveat to the crowdsourcing conversation. Never forget the quiet majority. Most people don't say anything when they leave a brand behind. They just leave. So do be careful listening to the loudest folks all the time. Sometimes they are a niche unto themselves.
• No-Attention Branding.
Roger Dooley notes that if perception is the marketer's playground, then the goal of the marketer must always be to get in front of the people and engage them, right? Maybe not. At least that might be the lesson learned from the impossible reality of blindsight. No matter how many people will tell you otherwise, people process brand information without being consciously aware of it. What this means is that it is sometimes important to be there without asking for attention or engaging people. Exactly right.
• 10 Things To Put In Your SEO Proposal.
Ian Lurie provides a simple, but effective list of everything you might need to include in an effective SEO sales pitch. One of my favorite points, however, had nothing to do with what to include. It tells you what not to include. He says there is no need to promise to put clients at the top of the heap because anyone with half a brain will know you are full of crap. Unfortunately, there are plenty of both — people with less than half a brain and people who are full of crap. That is why they are made for each other.