While there is little doubt that businesses need to approach social media differently than individuals, sometimes the conversational nature of medium distracts from the much more fluid nature of inspiration and pushes a myopic impression of the space that denies the situational reality of communication, innovation, and invention. Great ideas don't just happen from one point of a bell curve; they can spring forth from any point.
Paul Gauguin. After growing frustrated from the lack of recognition at home, Gauguin gave up everything, including his family, to escape European civilization and "everything that is artificial and conventional." There, he slowly turned inward on himself and drew inspiration from the primitive nature of man and the focus on self.
Andy Warhol. Warhol was the greatest American figure in the pop art movement. Elevated up by the masses and widely diverse social circles that included bohemian street people, intellectuals, celebrities, and aristocrats alike, he epitomized the more personal aspect of the social media movement that has reinvented his concept of "15 minutes of fame" into reaching "1,500+ friends or followers."
Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo is often described as the archetype of the Renaissance man as he constantly looked deeper than anyone else thought possible in every discipline. As a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and writer, da Vinci was seemingly inspired by a greater power and frequently surrendered himself to it.
Although I've positioned Andy Warhol at the top of the mass movements, even he recognized that greatness doesn't just follow on the heels of popularity. It was his celebration of individual voices, which make up conversations and draw attention to unique perspectives, that set him apart. It didn't matter to him whether those voices expressed enthusiasm or dissent as long as individual thought and expression overcame blind devotion and promotion. It's also why some of my best friends are my most outspoken critics, myself included. All individual perspectives are welcome.
"If everyone's not a beauty, then nobody is." — Andy Warhol
Lou Reed and John Cale were inspired by Warhol after his death to write a musical tribute to their friend called "Songs for Drella". They call upon Warhol’s Journals and their own memories to paint a wonderful picture of an artist and a friend. One of my favorite songs of the bunch is “Work”:
“Andy said a lot of things,
I stored them all away in my head,
Sometimes when I can't decide what
I should do I think what would Andy have said.
He'd probably say you think too much; that's 'cause there's work that you don't want to do.
It’s work, the most important thing is work.
Work, the most important thing is work.”
Thank you for a great post and for all the work.
I think you just left me my favorite comment, ever.
So the thanks belongs to you.
Andy was inspired. And so are you.
All my best,
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